Please sign your petition at
To: The Chief Minister of Selangor, The General Leader of PKR & Pakatan Rakyat Leaders
Explanatory note:
This is a petition calling for YB Elizabeth Wong to be reinstated. If you agree to support this petition, you are required to submit your full name i.e. your given name and your last/family name as well as the city/town and state of your residence. This information will be displayed. Names that appear to be false or incomplete may eventually be dropped from this petition before its submission. Collation of signatures in support of this petition will continue until the end of February 2009 but this is subject to the developments surrounding the issue. This petition together with a list of the signatories thereto will be sent to the Chief Minister of Selangor, the General Leader of PKR as well as the political parties within the Pakatan Rakyat.
Nota Penjelasan:
Ini adalah sebuah petisyen yang meminta YB Elizabeth Wong bertugas semula. Jika anda menyokong petisyen ini, anda diwajibkan memberi nama penuh anda, yakni nama sebenar dan nama keluarga/akhir anda beserta dengan bandar dan negeri di mana anda menetap. Maklumat ini akan dipaparkan. Nama-nama yang dipercayai palsu atau tidak lengkap mempunyai kemungkinan digugurkan dari petisyen ini sebelum ia disampaikan kepada pihak yang berkenaan. Pengumpulan tandatangan para penyokong petisyen akan diteruskan sehingga ke akhir Februari 2009 tetapi walau bagaimanapun ini adalah bergantung kepada perkembangan isu ini. Petisyen ini bersama dengan tandatangan-tandatangan penyokongnya akan dihantar kepada Menteri Besar Selangor, Ketua Umum Parti PKR dan juga parti-parti politik di dalam gabungan Pakatan Rakyat.
FEB 19, 2009
Once in a while an exceptional political representative will emerge in our midst. One such fine individual is our Yang Berkhidmat Ms. Elizabeth Wong.
Eli, as she is known to her friends, has long been a well-known figure in the Malaysian civil society movement. Eli brims with an authentic political and public personality - she is intelligent, well-read, talented, competent, skilful, and has shown to possess all the right concerns. If one had thought of bribing a public official or luring some Pakatan Rakyat elected representatives into the Barisan Nasional, one would have dropped Eli's name right from the beginning. She is incorruptible. It is in fact the people's great privilege that someone as sincere as this had at last run for public office.
We, the undersigned, are thus extremely concerned by the circumstances that she has found herself in currently. Having her private moments photographed without her consent is certainly a violation of her privacy and an outrage of her modesty. Equally important, we are especially appalled at the distribution of the photographs itself. We abhor intimate images that intrude upon a person's privacy and developed and used in the absence of consent. Subsequently, the distribution and exploitation of such images are what we must also be opposed to.
Contrary to the views of Khir Toyo on its constitution, morality is about the deliverance of justice - the commitment to a sense of fair play in our management of conflicting interests. While it may involve the need to honour our personal partnerships fairly, it has nothing to do with who have seen us in the nude or how we decide to conduct our personal lives, especially if it does not victimise anyone else.
We are then also dismayed by the manner in which certain media have chosen to portray, prioritise and sensationalise the issue with outrageous juxtapositions. Pertinent news about the poor, gender issues and indigenous peoples could never receive sufficient coverage in this country and yet some find it fit to peddle someone else's distress in a cheap way. This is very low.
We therefore would like to appeal to the Selangor Chief Minister and his State Government, the Parti Keadilan Rakyat and the Pakatan Rakyat coalition to not simply just accept Eli's offer to resign. We urge you to continuously stand by her at this difficult juncture. Please demonstrate to us that you are really worth our vote and have, despite all the odds set against you, attained a level of governance that can ably address such threats and intimidation without giving in to concerns that are petty and narrow-minded. If you are adamant that she should stay, you will certainly be setting the bar on high ground, unreachable by dirty tactics.
However, if you choose to let her go, then we consider that you have lost one of OUR brightest and sincerest politicians. We will be extremely disappointed. You will have also set a political precedent that may again be used against you in the future, and again.
A resignation or dismissal of elected representatives should only take place when their behaviour is disruptive to the deliverance of justice or if they have somehow clearly demonstrated their lack of personal ethics and integrity. A political party has to recognise its liabilities and risks correctly. Abuse of power, graft, corruption, deception, gross negligence, violence, incitement to hate and offensive conduct will certainly jeopardise its interests because they harm the people. Eli has committed none of these. Her integrity is intact.
We wish to see that our elected representatives get back to the job of running the country. Eli's performance has been exemplary since the day she took office. She must be reinstated as soon as possible.
Finally to Eli, we would like to pledge our strong support for you, at a personal level, and for your continued involvement in public service. Our hearts and thoughts are with you. We are indeed very much impressed by the manner in which you have handled this malicious personal attack with dignity. Rest assured that this will not mar public perception of you or your party. We will stand by you as you overcome this. So please continue your service in the name of the people. We would like your voice to continue to be heard directly in the State Assembly and during all important decision-making processes of the state. Please come back, Eli. The nation needs you.
Thank you.
Bahasa Melayu
FEB 19, 2009
Sekali-sekala, akan muncul seorang perwakilan politik yang sangat berupaya di celah-celah kesibukan kita. Salah sebuah susuk yang berkeupayaan ini adalah tentunya Yang Berkhidmat Cik Elizabeth Wong kita.
Eli, sepertimana beliau dikenali oleh teman-temannya, adalah sebuah susuk yang dikenali ramai di dalam gerakan sivil Malaysia. Personaliti Eli di ruang awam dan politik penuh dengan keasliannya yang tersendiri - beliau bijak, banyak membaca, berbakat, mempunyai keupayaan dan kebolehan dan telah menunjukkan bahawa beliau memiliki perhatian ke atas perkara-perkara yang betul. Jika ada sesiapa yang pernah terfikir untuk merasuah seorang petugas awam atau menarik sesetengah wakil rakyat Pakatan Rakyat ke dalam Barisan Nasional, orang ini akan menggugurkan nama Eli semenjak dari awal lagi. Eli ini satu susuk yang tidak akan makan suap. Sebenarnya kita sangat beruntung bahawa seorang yang jujur seperti ini akhirnya telah bertanding untuk mewakili kita.
Oleh itu, kami yang bertandatangan di bawah, merasa sangat gusar tentang keadaan yang terpaksa dilalui oleh Eli sekarang. Pengambilan gambar beliau dalam keadaan yang sangat pribadi tanpa persetujuannya, tentunya adalah satu perlanggaran hak pribadi beliau dan sebuah pencabulan kehormatan. Kami juga turut berasa marah terhadap perbuatan menyebarkan gambar-gambar tersebut. Kami mengutuk imej-imej intim yang menceroboh ke dalam ruang pribadi seseorang itu dan dibikin dan dipergunakan tanpa persetujuan si empunya tubuh. Selanjutnya, penyebaran dan eksploitasi imej-imej seperti ini adalah apa yang mesti turut dibantah.
Walaupun Khir Toyo mungkin mempunyai pendapat yang berbeza tentang pemaknaan moral, moraliti adalah tentang cara kita menyikapi penyebaran keadilan - sebuah perjanjian untuk berlaku adil dalam pada kita menguruskan kepentingan-kepentingan manusia yang bercanggah antara satu sama lain. Walaupun ia mungkin ada kaitan dengan cara kita memenuhi tanggungjawab dalam sesebuah perkongsian pribadi dengan adil, ia tiada kena mengena langsung dengan siapa yang pernah melihat kita tidak berpakaian atau cara kita menjalankan kehidupan pribadi kita, terutamanya jika ia tidak memangsakan orang lain.
Kami juga turut merasa jelek dengan cara sesetengah media telah memilih untuk menggambarkan, memberikan perhatian dan memperbesar-besarkan hal ini, dengan pertentangan isyarat-isyarat imej yang sangat tidak wajar. Berita-berita penting tentang orang-orang marhaen, isu gender dan masyarakat Orang Asal tidak pernah mendapat liputan yang mencukupi di negara ini tetapi ada pihak yang berasa wajar untuk menjaja kesulitan seseorang itu dengan cara murahan. Ini adalah perbuatan yang sangat rendah akhlaknya.
Oleh itu, kami merayu kepada Menteri Besar Selangor dan Kerajaan Negerinya, Parti Keadilan Rakyat and gabungan Pakatan Rakyat untuk tidak membiarkan sahaja Eli melepaskan jawatannya. Kami menggesa kesemua pihak yang berkenaan untuk terus berdiri teguh bersama Eli dalam keadaan yang sukar ini. Tunjukkan kepada kami bahawa undi kami merupakan undi yang bernilai tinggi, dan anda, walaupun diberi tentangan-tentangan yang hebat, telah mencapai satu takat kepemerintahan yang dapat menangani sebarang ugutan dan intimidasi dengan bijak dan tidak akan akur kepada pemikiran yang remeh-temeh dan cetek. Jika kita bertegas mahukan Eli kekal dengan jawatannya, ini bermakna satu pilihan telah dibuat untuk meninggikan kayu ukur kita di tempat yang tidak akan boleh dicapai oleh taktik-taktik kotor.
Tetapi jika kesemua pihak memilih untuk melepaskan Eli, KAMI tentunya akan kehilangan antara salah seorang ahli politik yang paling pintar dan jujur. Kami akan berasa sangat kecewa jika ini adalah pilihan semua. Kita juga akan mencipta satu contoh keputusan politikal yang mungkin akan dipergunakan untuk menggugat kesemua pihak sekali lagi di masa hadapan, dan sekali lagi.
Peletakan atau pelucutan jawatan seseorang wakil rakyat itu hanya patut jika perlakuan mereka telah mengganggugugat penyebaran keadilan atau jika mereka dengan beberapa cara telah menunjukkan dengan jelas bahawa etika dan integriti pribadi mereka sangat rendah. Sesebuah parti politik itu harus mengenali dengan tepat tanggungjawab dan risiko-risikonya. Penyalahgunaan kuasa, rasuah, korupsi, penipuan, kecuaian yang melampau, keganasan, seruan kepada kebencian dan perlakuan kasar boleh mengganggu kepentingan sesebuah parti politik itu kerana mereka membahayakan rakyat. Eli telah tidak melakukan apa-apa pun seperti ini. Integriti beliau tetap utuh.
Kami mahukan wakil-wakil rakyat kami untuk kembali ke tugas mereka yang sebenar, yakni, menguruskan negara ini. Di sini, prestasi Eli semenjak beliau dilantik sememangnya layak dijadikan contoh. Oleh itu, beliau mesti kembali ditugaskan secepat yang mungkin.
Terakhir sekali kepada Eli, kami memberikan sokongan tidak berbelah bagi kepada anda, secara pribadi dan untuk penglibatan terus anda di perkhidmatan awam. Hati dan fikiran kami sentiasa bersama anda. Kami sebenarnya merasa sangat bangga bahawa anda telah menangani serangan keji bersifat pribadi ini, dengan cara yang terhormat. Janganlah bimbang, hal ini tidak akan mencemar pandangan masyarakat awam terhadap anda ataupun parti. Kami akan berdiri teguh bersama anda ketika anda cuba melepasi keperitan ini. Kami meminta anda untuk menyambung tugas-tugas anda di atas nama rakyat. Kami mahukan suara anda didengar secara langsung di Dewan Undangan Negeri dan di kesemua proses membuat keputusan yang penting di peringkat negeri. Kembalilah semula Eli. Negara ini memerlukan anda.
Terima kasih.
Not believing this. Can’t believe you’re gone..
Rest in peace, dear Markus.
by Ryan Soo February 8, 2009 at 3:28 amWhat a heartTouching memory which still vigil in our mind and heart! Thanks David for the heart felt sharing with beautiful memorable photographs ..
by James Nakason February 8, 2009 at 4:35 amThanks David, for sharing an insight into your family’s life. I had the pleasure of meeting Markus at a couple of the Anti-ISA Vigils, MBPJ. In a nutshell, I pray my son Joshua will emulate him.
You can find Markus’ photos taken at the 16th Anti-ISA Vigil
Could you be so kind so email me the templates of Markus’ callcards so that we can host it for people to download and print their own?
Much love and God bless
Pat Lu (012) 210 4898
by pahlawanvolunteers February 8, 2009 at 6:09 amPahlawan Volunteers
Markus, you’re greatly missed.
by Jen February 8, 2009 at 3:07 pmI am touched by Markus’s life. He was like a candle, burning oneself to light up the lives of others. Now he will rest in the Lord.
by jinnhwa February 8, 2009 at 3:32 pmI read this post with tears flowing over me.
Till we meet again Markus.
by jadelyn lee February 8, 2009 at 4:30 pmThanks for sharing on this. It is a pity that Markus left the world at such a young age. It is a loss for everyone - country, community, family, friends etc.
by Chen Chow February 8, 2009 at 4:37 pmThank you so much for sharing and including us in your journey of grief, which is full of the grace of God throughout.
by Sivin Kit February 9, 2009 at 1:39 amI do not know you Markus. Only know and read about you from “Zorro unmasked” blog. Thanks Zorro for highlighting Markus to us a “Anak Bangsa Malaysia”.
My heart aches to see such a young and a fighter for justice has to leave to be with the Lord. As some would say, the world loves you but our Lord loves you more.
by S L Lim February 9, 2009 at 2:47 amDavid n Peter,
by Peter Chong February 9, 2009 at 11:06 amI am Peter a fellow Anak Bangsa Malaysia, the one that left the cap and suggested the National Anthem.
Yes, Markus would have indeed been most appreciative of it.
Sorry never had the chance to actually speak to you guys at the wake, I hope we will be able to catch up soon. I do hope to have the honoour of knowing the both of you, continuing on with Markus.
Please be in contact.
Keep on talking to him even though he’s not around cos it’s a good therapy for managing grief. It helps to reduce the pains of a devastated heart!
Be strong to accept that God loves him more and has better plans for him - plans which we don’t understand at all at the moment!
Markus, you are much admired and adored by loved ones!
by joyousnymph February 9, 2009 at 7:47 pmDavid, I never knew your brother that well, but enough to know what a wonderful person he was. its hard to believe he has gone so fast. I am so touched by what you wrote, really he has had a fulfilled life and has touched so many ppl’s lives, even those who never knew him personally.
really. i am so sorry for what happened.. thank you for sharing this. it is good knowing that you will all be reunited in Heaven together someday and the separation is only temporary..
by Li Li February 10, 2009 at 12:56 amDear David and Peter,
I mourn your loss although I’ve never known Markus. Its always sad and heart wrenching to know that a young life who has so much more to offer has left us. However, it is also always comforting to know that Markus is in the arms of God, waiting for all us to get acquainted and reacquainted with him when it is our turn to be in the arms of our Heavenly Father.
by YJ February 10, 2009 at 1:42 amit was an honour knowing u, markus.
by angchoonseong February 10, 2009 at 4:05 amMy condolences to your loss even though I’ve never heard of Markus before. And I’m just relieved to hear that you’ll continue his quest from where he left off.
Keep it up! Markus will always be in our hearts always!
by boon kheng February 10, 2009 at 5:16 amNo amount of my tears can bring Markus(my nephew)back to life but this is my natural response to the person I love-a reciprocation to the love given by his parents to me.Time can tell if a person has been sincere and genuine towards you-both parents of Markus have been always consistent at being helpful,thoughtful,kind and loving in words and in deeds-the same manifestation in Markus!Markus’s achievements surpassed most people and he has left behind him a legacy so he has not died in vain because his legacy still lives.I was fortunate to be able to attend the memorial services and funeral-I have learnt an invaluable lesson from these occasions.My brother Vincent asked me what I have learnt?At the age of 53,my life is still in a mess and I have not done any preparation for death.The Bible as I remember has 66 books(I don’t have the Bible beside me)but I can only remember 2 verses;John3:16 and Galation 5:22.When Markus mentioned “My hope is in dying to live.Death I fear you not.In God I trust.”He has already prepared for any eventualities!I always have apprehension about Markus’s perception of things.I once told him,”Forget about shaping the country’s destiny”-”you cannot do it” and I gave him the reason I know.However,I now see things in a different perspective.God can work miracles through His chosen ones-such fervent enthusiasm demonstrated by Markus is no ordinary feat;it must be God’s calling-his convictions and beliefs can move mountains!
by uncle seng February 10, 2009 at 4:26 pm